Monday, August 13, 2012


A few weeks ago I decided that I wanted my beads more accessable. So I pulled them all out of storage,dumped all the shoe boxes in the middle of my living room floor and started sorting 18 years worth of purchasing beads. It is funny too think it all started because a friend asked me to work in her bead store in Sarasota, Fl.  I remember saying, "But I don't know anything about Beading." She didn't care she needed someone that understood retail. So there I was working in a bead shop. Now I did have a small stash of beads at home. It was a real shoe box that a pair of shoes came in. It had 2 bags of beads I had gotten in a craft shop and a 2 beading needles a friend had given me. She tried to teach me to square stitch. I thought that was the only way to bead and I lost interest quickly. Boy was I in for a shock. It wasn't long before the beauty of the beads became enticing to me. Then the next Bead & Button came in, and I just had to try a pattern out of it. Before long.. I owed more to my boss/friend at each pay check than I was making. I  began to learn every stitch I could. And now here I am almost 18 years later, the old shoe box is long gone. Acturally many storage ideas bit the dust.

My final thing to get rid of was tiny zip lock bags. I was tired of them drying out and splitting and spilling my beads everywhere. Well just so you have an Idea of what I was tackling let me show you just a few days after I started to work.....

and this wasn't all of it.. there where stacks of clear plastic shoe boxes full of beads.
Each box was cleaned out and the beads where put into containers.
And now lots and lots of hours and tired muscles , a husband that wasn't sure I could possiable find space for all of them is the end results..

One more pic...

the tall cabinet is full above and behind that door ..and the other piece with all the drawers is full of tubes of beads ..not seed beads..
the seed beads are in the black drawer thing behind my chair  in the other picture.I can't even get one more tube of beads in any of those drawers...The two colorfull drawers are full of crystals..the stash above the drawer is pearls. I must say I said something about bead shopping to my husband just to see what he would do..the look on his face was...YOUR KIDDING >>RIGHT>? I just smiled and went back to sorting beads..
But It is done. I am relaxing now...planning my next thing to make..but now. I know just where to find everything I need...

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